RefactoringsInline Method Bjorg Prodan / October 30, 2023 Inline a simple method when the body is as clear as the name.
RefactoringsInline Variable Bjorg Prodan / October 10, 2023 Use a simple expression directly when a variable does not add any clarity or value.
RefactoringsIntroduce Explaining Variable Bjorg Prodan / October 30, 2023 Store the result of an expression in a variable with a name that explains its purpose.
RefactoringsIntroduce Parameter Object Bjorg Prodan / October 10, 2023 Create a class for commonly used groups of parameters.
RefactoringsRename Variable Bjorg Prodan / October 6, 2023 Rename a variable so that its name clearly indicates its purpose.
RefactoringsSplit Temporary Variable Bjorg Prodan / October 17, 2023 Make separate temporary variables for each assignment.