Inline Variable

Inline variable is used when a variable name does not add any additional value to an expression. If an expression is being assigned to a variable and the variable isn’t doing anything other than storing a simple expression, then there is no need for the variable. By removing unnecessary variables you simplify your code and potentially make other refactorings simpler.

Simple Example

Let’s look at a very simple example where we look at the base price for an order.

double basePrice = anOrder.BasePrice;
return (basePrice > 1000.0);

This is very straightforward, but the variable is not doing anything. Its name does not add any value to the expression, so it is best to just inline the variable.

return (anOrder.BasePrice > 1000.0)


  • Fowler M, Beck K, Brant J, Opdyke W, Roberts D. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. Addison-Wesley; 1999.
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