List of Refactorings

“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”

Martin Fowler (1999)
What is Refactoring?

Refactoring is improving the design of existing code. The first step in coding is getting code that works, but do not stop there. The next step is making your code clear and maintainable, and that is what refactoring helps you do. Since refactoring is changing code, you should have unit tests for your code base before you refactor so you can make sure you are not breaking code.

Here is a list of all the posts we have for refactoring. Some refactorings are simple, some are more complex; however, refactoring is considered an essential skill for competent programmers so you should learn them and use them. You will write better code once you start using refactoring.

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